Introducing Ed Savage!

So, this has been a long time in the making. I honestly don’t know why this hadn’t happened before. But there has been a suspicious little gremlin following me around, haunting me as you might say, for years, and I’m finally ready to talk about her.

Her name is Ed Savage. And she pretends to be me! But she’s not. She goes by “Ed” (short for “Educated” dontcha know!) to conceal her gender and make people think she’s a guy and actually be respectful and stuff. But people don’t understand how truly wretched she is. She feeds off the fear of other people, especially the anticipatory kind. She isn’t someone you’d notice on a regular basis, but when she has your attention, boy, has she got it!

I don’t really know everything she’s been up to… and I’m a little scared of finding out.

Ed Savage
Ed Savage