Hoax or Harrassment? Police Patience Stretched Thin

14641970_1192125697515039_1273358127951714267_nSo, we’re all aware of the creepy clown thing (someone has called it the Clown Purge – cute) that is taking our nation by storm. It turns out, with social media, harmless prank can turn into an international panic.

It all started when some kids said they saw a clown trying to lure them into the woods. That account, however, has never been confirmed. Since then, kids are making threats against their schools on Social Media pages, such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook that they are going to dress as clowns and menace their schools with violence.

Did you  know there are some states that have laws against masks or hoods after dark? Yeah, crazy. Although I guess if you use grease paint, that doesn’t apply to you.

Unfortunately, this is looking like more and more mass hysteria. Actual documentation, despite cell phones, of clown activity is almost non existent.

The scary part, though, is that things like what happened at Penn State – the college kids going out marauding after a supposed sighting, eventually finding nothing – is text book mass hysteria. People need to relax and take things in stride. Not saying not to protect yourself, just maybe wait till there’s something physical there to protect from.

We don’t need mobs. We don’t need lynchings. We don’t need hysteria and fear. The police so far are treating this as a hoax because of the complete lack of substantiation. So don’t let it go to your head.
