How Many Clown Arrests So Far?

fb_img_1475898340815Okay, so here’s an article that accounts all the clown-related arrests so far across the country.

A quick perusal of the article will show that the majority (I’d say 95% [NO I didn’t do the math!]) are juveniles being arrested for making threats against their schools from Clown-themed social media sites. This is frustrating because it’s not the CLOWN part that is the menace (I know, we already knew that), but the social media anonymity and violence that is being threatened. I remember right after Columbine happened (thank goodness I had just graduated), calling bomb threats in to your school was a cool thing. One of my friends got arrested for it (though he was let go) just because he “seemed the type.”

In any case, scaring your schools sucks and is a cheap thrill. Plus, you’re making things worse on the police. Chill out and have some clean, healthy Halloween fun, kiddos!
