Have You Lost Your Minds?

Okay, guys – you know I love me some clownin’, I really do, but y’all are going a little over the top! And not just clowns, but the… clown… hunters? HERE is a video clip of a guy pointing a gun at a clown and telling him to quit lurking some kids. The clown, rightfully, […]

How Many Clown Arrests So Far?

Okay, so here’s an article that accounts all the clown-related arrests so far across the country. A quick perusal of the article will show that the majority (I’d say 95% [NO I didn’t do the math!]) are juveniles being arrested for making threats against their schools from Clown-themed social media sites. This is frustrating because […]

Police Commissioner Says to Calm the Fuck Down

Clown Menace According to a Deputy Commissioner in New  York City, even though the clown invasion seems to be scary, there’s nothing to be afraid of. People acting out of fear are much scarier. Reports of clowns being creepy are mostly unconfirmed and there aren’t any of clowns causing any actual mischief let alone any real […]