Killer Clowns Go Global!

fb_img_1475898340815While this morning it was believed that the Killer Clown Craze had barely managed to jump the pond, it turns out there are reports coming out of Canada and Australia as well. English police officers reported 59 incidents involving clowns. In fact, in THIS article, there was a long list of arrests made for clowns TRULY menacing people – carrying knives, imitation guns (which are illegal in Britain), chasing people with chainsaws. Man, they don’t mess around over there, do they!

In fact, even McDonalds is cancelling appearances by their spokesman, Ronald McDonald, in light of the recent clown incidents. Dude, for reals?

Clown incidents, not surprisingly, are starting to rise the closer we get to Halloween. In fact, I managed to finally scare up some clowns for a photography shoot today. In discussions with the staff at Spirit and my friends who were modeling, we all agreed that dressing as a clown and scaring CHILDREN was not cool! Real clowns, professional clowns, do good work and they do a lot to make life better for all sorts of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged kids and we don’t want to mess with that. So even though we wanted to do some of our shoot on the playset, the clowns stayed far away and out of sight until the children left with their parents.

That’s right, guys – scaring kids is NOT COOL! Not the REAL kind of scaring. Joking around play-pretend scaring, where the child is in on it, is okay and fun – but REAL scaring that gives them nightmares for years – not cool. Alright? Keep it above the board and don’t ruin things for the REAL clowns that are out there!

Anyways, it’s interesting to see the clown phenomenon spread. Welcome to the big top, Aussies!
