I Haven’t Seen ‘It’ Yet and Countdown to Halloween

The shame… the agony… the complete lack of horror!!!! It is October and I STILL haven’t seen the remake of Stephen King’s “It” yet! I know, I know – and here I am, building my clown empire, and I am so very remiss in this very epic and monumental thing!

In all fairness… I had a lot going on. I had to run an event at the beginning of September, which was happening opening weekend, in Seattle, which required a more than 24 hour drive… which I got fired from after driving half way there. THEN I came back home, my students had a performance, and then I had to get ready to move and then actually do the moving thing (we moved from Arizona to California – we’re back HOME!) and now I am FINALLY semi settled down. So. Excellent! AND a friend of mine just posted that she saw “It” at the theater and had the place to herself. So, that is completely perfect for me!

So, I am planning to see it this week. Probably at a matinee, because it seems that late night showings aren’t really a thing around here and I don’t like to see movies with other human beings, so matinee it is. I’m SUPER excited to see it. My bro, another avid horror fan, said I HAVE to see it in the theater, and he usually doesn’t exaggerate those things. So, I’m gonna get on it, for sure!

I know you’ve been waiting on pins and needles for my opinion, and while pins and needles ARE a ton of fun, enough is enough. Time is growing short, so stay tuned!

Also, I’m reading you bedtime stories as part of my “Countdown to Halloween” – you can check out the playlist below. Enjoy!