Half Halloween! Where is the time going!?

Hey, kids, clowns, friends, and freaks!


Half Halloween was a couple weeks ago, and you KNOW what that means: time to start getting our Halloween on! I know, I know… you’re thinking, “Dear Savage, when are you NOT getting your Halloween on?” and that’s a fair question. The answer, of course, is never – it’s just that this is the time of year when we double our efforts and instead of researching, gathering, and percolating ideas, we starting putting “pencil to paper” (metaphorically) and decide on REAL plans and start getting to work on them. Let the games begin!!!

So, what is on my list? I’m so glad you asked! I have a few photoshoots I would like to get done. Some “keywords” I am going to use to refer to them are (which MIGHT serve as a teaser):

  • Clowns/Clowntown (always)
  • Real Mermaid (REALLY want to do this since mermaids are hot right now)
  • Out of Place Dancers


  • Evil Labyrinth
  • Parking Lot Clown
  • Brett’s Video

If you are going to be near Phoenix, Arizona, and are interested in participating (costuming, hair, make up, set design, assistant), let me know!

Clowntown Gang

In addition, I plan to work on a special Halloween residential “walk through” – but I DON’T know what my space is going to look like, so I am going to try to think of ideas that can be executed in a small space and also expanded to fill a larger space. Complicated! But I’m excited to do it!

In addition, I have some costuming goals – one of those is to make my own custom horns. Yay! Lots of tutorials on Pinterest, so I have some options! I also plan to experiment making paper mache masks – I was able to get a LOT of newspapers a few months ago, maybe 20 of them, so I should have plenty of material to work with!

In addition, I plan to put together 2 performances for Halloween as well – one that is children friendly, and one that is NOT! Exciting stuff!

I want to hear what you’re working on! Let’s share some ideas and do the thing!

Nathara at the Arizona State Fair 2016 by Back Button Photography


Vile Valentines!

Hey, kiddos!!!

Valentine’s Day (“Valentine’s… I hate the word as I hate Hell and all Montagues….”) is a pretty horrible holiday. And Halloween, the holiest of days, is the best holiday ever. So it only makes sense to improve Valentine’s by making it a little more horrific. This awesome guy has been creating “Vile Valentine’s” for the last three years and some of these are freaking awesome! Check out his work and if you’ve GOT to give a card, make it scary. Check them out here: https://cameraviscera.com/2017/02/01/more-vile-valentines/ and the one below is my freaking favorite of the bunch. Send me lots of these (if you’re not going to rip out and send me someone’s heat):

You Rule! (Vile Valentine by Dr Jose)

The Clowntown Gang

So, while my computer was slowly kicking the bucket, I DID manage to get a photoshoot done! Huzzah! Thank goodness for small miracles. And a HUGE shout out to my friends who modeled for me. We have some great new additions to Clowntown!

Introducing… the Clowntown Gang!

You might find these guys loitering in your local park. I wouldn’t go near them if I were you.

What This Town Needs is… Batman!

14680549_1149443288483731_2069097684863136943_nI think that this is pretty cool, although maybe not the safest thing in the world.

A Cumbira costume shop, Cumbria Superheroes, has unleashed Batman into clown-infested neighborhoods. People have seen the caped crusader patroling the area and even chasing down vile clowns!

Brilliant idea, I hope nothing bad happens.




Fuck yeah!



Have You Lost Your Minds?

agpf_0axoxltxin_Okay, guys – you know I love me some clownin’, I really do, but y’all are going a little over the top! And not just clowns, but the… clown… hunters?

HERE is a video clip of a guy pointing a gun at a clown and telling him to quit lurking some kids. The clown, rightfully, runs away. And then there’s another video of police stopping two “marauding” clowns who left their freaking 4 year old home alone so they could get up to some mischief!

Look, I get it, I really do. The world is fucking SCARY right now – and the idea of being the scare-r instead of the scare-ee is REALLY tempting! Believe me, I feel this way all my life. I am content that 364 days out of the year (that’s a full year minus 1 day) *I* am the scary one wherever I go – whether or not the people around me realize it. You should have seen me grin like a motherfucker when Fairuza Balk delivered that line in the craft ‘Hey, mister – we ARE the weirdos.” Yeah, that was me – that’s still me. I like to be the scariest person around. 1) because I’m not really that scary, so that’s cool and 2) I’m pretty darned weird and people THINK I’m scary.

Anyways, back on topic. CHILL THE FUCK OUT people! Keep your mischief good and clean and wholesome and DON’T abandon your children just for some cheap thrills! Keep it together!


Killer Clowns Go Global!

fb_img_1475898340815While this morning it was believed that the Killer Clown Craze had barely managed to jump the pond, it turns out there are reports coming out of Canada and Australia as well. English police officers reported 59 incidents involving clowns. In fact, in THIS article, there was a long list of arrests made for clowns TRULY menacing people – carrying knives, imitation guns (which are illegal in Britain), chasing people with chainsaws. Man, they don’t mess around over there, do they!

In fact, even McDonalds is cancelling appearances by their spokesman, Ronald McDonald, in light of the recent clown incidents. Dude, for reals?

Clown incidents, not surprisingly, are starting to rise the closer we get to Halloween. In fact, I managed to finally scare up some clowns for a photography shoot today. In discussions with the staff at Spirit and my friends who were modeling, we all agreed that dressing as a clown and scaring CHILDREN was not cool! Real clowns, professional clowns, do good work and they do a lot to make life better for all sorts of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged kids and we don’t want to mess with that. So even though we wanted to do some of our shoot on the playset, the clowns stayed far away and out of sight until the children left with their parents.

That’s right, guys – scaring kids is NOT COOL! Not the REAL kind of scaring. Joking around play-pretend scaring, where the child is in on it, is okay and fun – but REAL scaring that gives them nightmares for years – not cool. Alright? Keep it above the board and don’t ruin things for the REAL clowns that are out there!

Anyways, it’s interesting to see the clown phenomenon spread. Welcome to the big top, Aussies!


Clown Costume Sales Are Up!

cukbch1waaezm32Even though police and other officials say that they’re taking the clown sightings very seriously – because menacing people is a real and actual crime, people – online sales say that clown costumes are extremely popular right now.

At one popular online retailer, HalloweenCostumes.com has seen an uptick of 40% and HalloweenExpress.com has seen an increase of 30%. So… maybe all the clown sightings are, in some small way, improving the economy?

But, seriously – those of us who have been studying horror for a long time now are not surprised. In years where there have been national and international crisis and the general population is more stressed and frightened than usual (think WWI and the Depression), the sales and enjoyment of horror and scary media and activities jumps hugely. Some say that the experiencing of horror circumstances and surviving to tell the tale supplies us some catharsis and relief from our day to day stresses and fears. And I think we can all agree that this year has been more than just A LITTLE STRESSFUL!!!!

So, per usual, be wary of strangers. But don’t worry too much about the clowns – worry about them just enough to get that good feeling from surviving yet another night.

Pleasant nightmares, chickens.


A Plethora of Killer Clowns

John Wayne Gacy (normal looking guy, right?)
John Wayne Gacy (normal looking guy, right?)

Alright, so now that clowns are menacing people all around the great US of A, they’re also becoming a menace in the UK as well. But the BBC wonders – how deadly ARE clowns?

As it turns out, there are 3 cases of deadly clowns – but only 2 cases occurred with clown make up/costuming actually on the killer.

The most famous of these, as I’m sure we’re all aware, is John Wayne Gacy, also known as Pogo the Clown. He did NOT actually murder people while in his Pogo persona (at least, as far as we know). But he DID murder 33 men and boys over the course of his reign of terror, hiding their bodies in his home. Gacy had a mild obsession with clowns and his clown paintings became prized possessions among his fans. Yes, serial killers have fans. It’s kind of weird.

There was also a clown who seemed to randomly murder a woman in her home back in the 80s. He shot her after she opened the door and left behind a balloon that said “You’re the Greatest!”

And then there was a man who was dressed as a clown when he murdered a major drug trafficking kingpin in Baja, California.

These last two clowns were never found and they seem to have never resurfaced again.

Yeah, so that’s it! 3 murderous clowns! I think we probably have more to fear from fear itself than clowns. Just my thought.


“Clown Lives Matter”

16061700839_a8999325f9_z_1474637412646_46803962_ver1-0_640_480OMG, Tucson, really? I think this is one of the most offensive things ever. YES, people need to get over the clown thing, but it is NOWHERE near the level that the violence against black and colored people has gotten. Come up with a different slogan, at least? This just sounds like a really horrible and dismissive parody of a legitimate social movement.

No, I will not be participating.

Yes, people need to chill out about clowns.

Yes, I support an event to celebrate clowns and for children to come down and have a wonderful time. So let’s do that. Just… pick a different name.

October 15th at 6:30pm on 4th Avenue.

How Many Clown Arrests So Far?

fb_img_1475898340815Okay, so here’s an article that accounts all the clown-related arrests so far across the country.

A quick perusal of the article will show that the majority (I’d say 95% [NO I didn’t do the math!]) are juveniles being arrested for making threats against their schools from Clown-themed social media sites. This is frustrating because it’s not the CLOWN part that is the menace (I know, we already knew that), but the social media anonymity and violence that is being threatened. I remember right after Columbine happened (thank goodness I had just graduated), calling bomb threats in to your school was a cool thing. One of my friends got arrested for it (though he was let go) just because he “seemed the type.”

In any case, scaring your schools sucks and is a cheap thrill. Plus, you’re making things worse on the police. Chill out and have some clean, healthy Halloween fun, kiddos!
